Teleflora's Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet offers a stylish option for your autumn table. This sophisticated arrangement of fall roses comes in a beautiful ceramic pumpkin adorned with intricate hand-painted accents in sage green.
Teleflora's Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet offers a stylish option for your autumn table. This sophisticated arrangement of fall roses comes in a beautiful ceramic pumpkin adorned with intricate hand-painted accents in sage green.
Teleflora's Whimsy Pumpkin Bouquet offers a stylish option for your autumn table. This sophisticated arrangement of fall roses comes in a beautiful ceramic pumpkin adorned with intricate hand-painted accents in sage green.
: All-Around
All prices in USD ($)
This gorgeous hand-painted sage ceramic pumpkin is a custom-made keepsake from Teleflora.